Get the Most Out of Your Training Dollars
You want to kick off a DEI initiative at work. But how do you know what to teach? What is the emotional temperature of your workplace? Which teamwork skills will benefit your people?
According to a recent study, training budgets are decreasing across the spectrum. Sometimes by as much as 25-40%. But with directives to train in DE&I, you need to deliver results, while also staying on budget. You have to make sure there’s a return on your investment.
So it’s imperative to understand your employees’ DEI skill set before you purchase training. And to help you do that, we’ve created a free Culture Diagnostic Tool.
Get the Most Out of Your Training Dollars
You want to kick off a DEI initiative at work. But how do you know what to teach? What is the emotional temperature of your workplace? Which teamwork skills will benefit your people?
According to a recent study, training budgets are decreasing across the spectrum. Sometimes by as much as 25-40%. But with directives to train in DE&I, you need to deliver results, while also staying on budget. You have to make sure there’s a return on your investment.
So it’s imperative to understand your employees’ DEI skill set before you purchase training. And to help you do that, we’ve created a free Culture Diagnostic Tool.
"You have good reason to share this wonderful piece of work. It was entertaining and thought-provoking."
DE&I User, A Brighter Tomorrow
Your Ally in Culture Building
In a recent study, 47% of HR managers said their biggest challenge was “getting people engaged in remote learning.” Part of that is a dearth of quality training on culture out there. The other part of the problem is that managers are selecting the wrong training for their workforce.
Whether you purchase training from WILL Interactive or someone else, we want to help you be a better consumer. We put our expertise in culture building into a short diagnostic tool that illuminates your workforce’s strengths and areas of growth. So that you purchase the right training for right now.
The WILL Interactive Culture Diagnostic Tool will help you understand:
- Your team’s bystander skills.
- Employee willingness to speak up when they see or experience harassment or abuse.
- How employees with disabilities are seen and treated.
- Whether your team can identify bias and/or disrupt it.
- How valued diversity is there.
A Custom Report with the Information You Need
You’ll receive a detailed custom report indicating your organization's overall score as well as what choice the majority of respondents made in each scenario. With this information, you can see where your workforce shines and where it may need more training. Then, you can go shopping for the right training for your organization.
The Culture Diagnostic Tool delivers customized results that give you a clear picture of your workforce with detailed analysis. You’ll see what most of your polled employees would do in common situations. You’ll be able to see your employees:
- Confidence level at having difficult conversations
- Willingness to speak up about problems in the workplace
- Ability to identify bias when it happens
Training Topics that Address Today's Issues
A Comprehensive, 16-Episode DEI&B Solution
Based on focus groups and employee testimonials, A Brighter Tomorrow portrays real-life scenarios with workable solutions in a micro-learning format. Employing humor and grace, this program builds a culture of belonging and elevates engagement. Field all at once or on a cadence of your choosing.
The Fundamentals of DE&I
Story-based training that portrays the merits of diversity in the workplace. This program increases empathy and understanding, and illuminates a path towards a more inclusive workplace.
An Introduction to the Concepts of Identity and Bias
This first step on a DE&I journey includes instruction on the harm of stereotypes, methods to identify and disrupt one's own assumptions, and how to challenge bias in the workplace.